Locally Grown

Plants Selected
For Your Success

• Hand selected annuals, perennials, vegetables and herbs
• Only the best performing plants selected
to carry the Farm Fresh Selects® label
• Plants grown in your area for your area
• New varieties added every year

Easy, beautiful, colorful

Create beautiful containers following three simple steps

You say tomato

A quick guide on how to pick the tomato plant that fits your needs.

Better cocktail hour

Rethink your herb garden to make festive and delicious drinks.

Perennials or Annuals?

We have the answer for you

Whether you’re creating a container or enhancing your backyard with new flowers, we all want our plants to thrive in the spot we picked for them, for that, picking according to the amount of sunlight the plant would receive is important.

Great Ideas

Explore our recipes and DIY ideas

Hot Pepper Spotlight

Chocolate Barrackpore chili

The Trinidad 7 pot Barrackpore chili pepper strains are some of the hottest in the world and the chocolate Barrackpore is among the most extreme.  

Scoville heat units*
Chocolate Barrackpore — up to 1.3 million units
Compare to: Brazilian Starfish — up to 30,000 units
Compare to: Mucho Nacho — up to 6,000 units

* Scientific measurement of a chili’s heat


Plants produce high yields of wrinkled peppers that mature from green to waxy chocolate brown.


Slightly floral with the heat setting in slowly and rising steadily to reach a burn.


A good variety for drying and use as powder.